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Spinning Class


Time = 45 minutes

Equipment = Spin bikes, bar and weights or free weights, mat

Fitness Level = Suitable or all levels. Weights and resistance on the bike can be adjusted to suit personal fitness level from complete beginner to more advances strength and toning.

Class Description = This class combines the cardiovascular intensity of a spin class with strength training exercises on the floor. This workout format offers a comprehensive full-body workout that targets both cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.


Spin circuits provide the benefits of both cardiovascular conditioning and strength training, offering a well-rounded and efficient workout. The combination of spin cycling and floor exercises allows participants to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength, and tone their bodies in a single session.


Location = Studio

Instructor = Sarah Green

Average Calories Burn = 300kcal


Time = 1 hour

Equipment = Please bring your own yoga mat a yoga block if you have one. We do have some spares. 

Fitness Level = Suitable for all levels

Class Description = Yoga offers numerous benefits for physical and mental well-being. Gentle flows help to build strength, toning and stamina throughout the body and increase the range of movement in joints by stretching muscles. This can contribute to an overall healthy and balanced lifestyle.


Following the exercises, the class moves into a sequence of simple yoga poses that focus on gentle stretches, mobility, and balance. The poses are carefully selected to target various parts of the body, promoting flexibility and releasing tension.


The instructor guides you through each pose, emphasising proper alignment and inviting you to move with awareness and intention. Breath awareness is encouraged, synchronising your breath with the movements to enhance relaxation and promote a sense of calm.


The class concludes with a final grounding exercise or a closing affirmation, leaving you feeling refreshed.


Location = Function room

Instructor = Sarah Vas

Average Calorie Burn = On average, a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kilograms) can expect to burn approximately 240-360 calories during a one-hour yoga session. However, this is a general estimate and can vary.

Yoga Class
Woman Stretching


Time = 45 minutes 

Equipment = Resistance bands provided

Fitness Level = Suitable for all levels, band are available in different strengths and moves are based on your own range of movement

Class Description = A resistance band class is a form of exercise that utilises elastic resistance bands to provide a full-body workout. This type of class focuses on improving strength, toning muscles, and enhancing flexibility using the resistance provided by the bands.


The exercises typically involve wrapping, looping, or stepping on the bands to create tension and resistance. The bands provide resistance in both the concentric (muscle shortening) and eccentric (muscle lengthening) phases of the exercises, challenging the muscles throughout the entire range of motion.


Throughout the class, the instructor emphasises proper form and technique to maximise the effectiveness of the exercises and prevent injuries. They may provide modifications or progressions to cater to different fitness levels and ensure everyone can participate safely.


A resistance band class offers a versatile and portable workout that can be adapted to different fitness levels and goals. It provides an effective way to build strength, increase muscle tone, and improve overall fitness using the resistance provided by the bands.


Location = Function room

Instructor = Linda Empson

Average Calorie Burn = On average, a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kilograms) can expect to burn approximately 150-200 calories during a 45-minute resistance band class. However, this is a rough estimate and can vary from person to person.


Time = 1 hour

Equipment = Please bring your own yoga mat. 

Fitness Level = Suitable for all fitness levels

Class Description = A Pilates class is a mind-body exercise method that focuses on developing core strength, improving flexibility, and enhancing body awareness. It combines precise movements, controlled breathing, and mindful concentration to promote overall fitness and wellbeing.


Pilates exercises focus on quality of movement rather than quantity. They emphasise precision, control, and proper alignment. The instructor guides you through each exercise, providing cues for proper form and breathing techniques.


The exercises in a Pilates class often involve flowing movements that promote fluidity, strength, and flexibility.


Towards the end of the class, a cool-down segment is included to promote relaxation and flexibility. This often involves gentle stretches and a final relaxation pose, allowing the body to release tension and restore balance.


Pilates classes offer a low-impact yet effective workout that aims to strengthen the core, improve posture, enhance body awareness, and promote overall stability and flexibility.


Location = Function room

Instructor = Sheila Vickers

Average Calorie Burn = On average, a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kilograms) can expect to burn approximately 240-340 calories during a one-hour Pilates session.

Yoga Class
Workout Lesson


Time = 1 hour

Equipment = Step and free weights. Please bring your own yoga mat

Fitness Level = suitable for all levels. Exercises can be performed on the floor with no step and weights can be reduced.

Class Description = This class combines the elements of step aerobics and strength training exercises to provide a comprehensive and dynamic workout. It is designed to target both cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.


During a Step and Pump class, participants utilise a raised platform, typically a step bench, to perform a variety of aerobic movements and step patterns.


The aerobic portion of the class focuses on elevating the heart rate and improving cardiovascular fitness. The combination of rhythmic stepping patterns and upbeat music creates an energetic and fun atmosphere.


In addition to the aerobic component, the class incorporates strength training exercises using hand weights or bodyweight. These exercises target different muscle groups, such as the arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs, and core. The strength training component helps to build muscle strength, tone the body, and improve overall muscular endurance.



Location = function room

Instructor = Sarah Green

Average Calorie Burn = The number of calories burned in an hour-long Step and Pump class can vary depending on various factors such as individual body weight, intensity of the workout, and individual effort. On average, a Step and Pump class can help burn approximately 400-600 calories per hour for an average-sized adult. However, please note that this is just an estimate and individual calorie expenditure may differ. The actual number of calories burned can be influenced by factors such as the intensity of your movements, your fitness level, and your overall exertion during the class.


Time = 45 minutes 

Fitness Level = Suitable for all fitness levels

Equipment = Hand weights and Yoga mat. Please bring your own mat.

Class Description = A Power HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) class is a dynamic and challenging workout that combines intense bursts of exercise with short recovery periods. It is designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, build strength, and enhance overall endurance. Here's a description of what you might expect in a Power HIIT class:


The class typically begins with a brief warm-up to prepare the body for the intense workout ahead. This may include light cardio exercises, dynamic stretches, and mobility drills to increase blood flow and loosen up the muscles.


Toward the end of the class, there is a cool-down segment to gradually lower the heart rate and stretch the muscles. This helps promote recovery, prevent muscle soreness, and improve flexibility.


Location = Function room

Instructor = Sarah Green

Average Calorie Burn = You can expect to burn approximately 300-450 calories on average for an average-sized adult. However, this is just an estimate, and the actual number of calories burned can vary depending on factors such as your body weight, intensity of the exercises, and individual effort. The type of exercises performed, the amount of resistance or weight used, and your overall fitness level can also influence calorie expenditure. Keep in mind that circuits classes typically involve high-intensity exercises and a combination of cardiovascular and strength training, which can contribute to an elevated calorie burn.

Fitness Class
Fitness Class


Time = 30 minutes 

Fitness Level = Suitable for all fitness levels

Equipment = Hand weights, barbell and Yoga mat. Please bring your own mat.

Class Description = An Express Pump class offers a time-efficient and effective workout that targets multiple muscle groups, promotes strength development, and can contribute to improvements in overall body composition. It is suitable for individuals looking to maximise their workout results in a shorter duration.


The class begins with a brief warm-up to activate the muscles and increase blood flow. This may include dynamic stretches and mobility exercises to prepare the body for the upcoming strength training exercises.


Once warmed up, the class transitions into a series of exercises targeting different muscle groups. The emphasis is on resistance training using equipment such as barbells. The exercises typically involve compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, maximising efficiency and calorie burn.


The exercises in an Express Pump class focus on building strength, increasing muscle tone, and improving overall body composition. They may include exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep extensions, and abdominal exercises.

Location = Studio

Instructor = Kieran Killeen

Average Calorie Burn = The number of calories burned in an Express Pump class can vary depending on factors such as your body weight, intensity of the exercises, and individual effort. On average, an Express Pump class can help burn approximately 150-300 calories for an average-sized adult. However, please note that this is just an estimate, and individual calorie expenditure may vary. The actual number of calories burned can be influenced by factors such as the intensity of your workout, the amount of resistance or weight used, and your overall fitness level. Keep in mind that strength training exercises in an Express Pump class can contribute to an increase in muscle mass, which can boost your metabolic rate over time and lead to additional calorie burn even after the class is over.

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